Virtex-5 FPGA clocking (2014.12.30)
FPGA-Based Prototyping Methodology Manual (FPMM) (2014.2.6)
혁신적 미래를 만들어가는 FPGA 기술 , 월간 반도체네트워크 2015.10호 (2017.4.5)
자일링스 7시리즈 FPGA - 28nm에서 전력소모를 낮추다! (2013.11.18)
- 1부
, 월간전자부품 2011.8호
- 2부
, 월간전자부품 2011.9호
FPGA Floorplanning (2003.1.26)
Introduction to High-Density Programmable Design (1/4), (2/4), (3/4), (4/4) (2002.3.11)
FPGA 기반 임베디드 시스템 디자인의 플로어플래닝 (Electronic Engineering Times - Korea) (2003.10.7)
강력한 시스템온칩 솔루션 실현하는 프로그래머블 로직 (Electronic Engineering Times - Korea) (2003.10.7)
Virtex-II Handbook (2001.5.2)
Designing with FPGAs - Beyond bigger, Faster, Cheaper... (2001.7.16)
Xilinx 용어해설 (2000.11.10)
XCELL: The Quarterly Journal for Xilinx Programmable Logic Users (2001.5.24)
Xilinx Virtex Series Power Estimator (1999.5.4)
Spartan-II Family Introduction Presentation (2000.11.12)
Overview of XC4000E Series FPGA (2004.1.4)
Mirrored Site - [ RetroMicro FPGA Experiments ] (2008.1.22)
Mirrored Site - [ VHDL XSV Board Interface Projects ] (2003.12.21)
<< Technical Seminar Section >>
Virtex-4 Advantage Seminar Series - June 2005 (2006.4.15)
1999 XILINX Technical Application Symposium (1999.4.1)
Co-Design and Co-Verification using a Synchronous Language, Satnam Singh, UC Berkeley ESD Seminar - Fall 2003 (2004.9.6)
Challenges and opportunities for FPGA platforms , Ivo Bolsens, UC Berkeley ESD Seminar - Fall 2003 (2004.10.17)