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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

bookmark add wave

The bookmark add wave command creates a named reference to a specific zoom range and scroll position in the specified Wave window. Bookmarks are saved in the wave format file and are restored when the format file is read (see write format command.


bookmark add wave

<label> <zoomrange> <topindex> [-window <window_name>]



Specifies the name for the bookmark. Required.


Specifies a list of two times with optional units. Required.


Specifies the vertical scroll position of the window. Required. The number identifies which item the window should be scrolled to. For example, specifying 20 means the Wave window will be scrolled down to show the 20th item.

-window <window_name>

Specifies the window to which the bookmark will be added. Optional. If this argument is omitted, the bookmark is added in the current default Wave window.


bookmark add wave foo {{10 ns} {1000 ns}} 20

Adds a bookmark named "foo" to the current default Wave window. The bookmark marks a zoom range from 10ns to 1000ns and a scroll position of the 20th item in the window.

See also

bookmark delete wave, bookmark goto wave, bookmark list wave, write format

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase