write report
The write report command prints a summary of the design being simulated including a list of all design units (VHDL configurations, entities, and packages and Verilog modules) with the names of their source files. If you have compiled a Verilog design using -fast (see "Compiling for faster performance" ), the report will also identify cells which have been optimized.
write report
<filename>] [
-s] |
Specifies the name of the output file where the data is to be written. Optional. If the <filename> is omitted, the report is written to the Main window.
-l Generates more detailed information about the design. Default.
-s Generates a short list of design information. Optional
-tcl Generates a Tcl list of design unit information. Optional. This argument cannot be used with a filename.
write report alu.rep
Saves information about the current design in a file named alu.rep.
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