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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The seetime command scrolls the List or Wave window to make the specified time visible. For the List window, a delta can be optionally specified as well.

Returns nothing



list|wave [-window <wname>] [-select] [-delta <num>] <time>



Specifies the target window type. Required.

-window <wname>

Specifies an instance of the Wave or List window that is not the default. Optional. Otherwise, the default Wave or List window is used. Use the view command to change the default window.


Also move the active cursor or marker to the specified time (and optionally, delta). Optional. Otherwise, the window is only scrolled.

-delta <num>

For the List window when deltas are not collapsed, this option specifies a delta. Optional. Otherwise, delta 0 is selected.


Specifies the time to be made visible. Required.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase