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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

profile option

The profile option command changes how profiling data are reported.


profile option

collapse_sections | raw_data



Groups profiling data by section. A section consists of regions of code such as VHDL processes, functions or Verilog always blocks. By default all profiling data is reported on a per line basis. Required if raw_data isn't specified.

Note: This option must be specified before the run command is executed.


Reports the raw number of samples that occurred in a line or a section. By default all profiling results are reported on a percentage basis. Required if collapse_sections isn't specified.

See also

profile clear, profile interval, profile off, profile on, profile report

Note: Profiling must be active when this command is invoked. Use the profile on command to begin profiling.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase