VHDL magic Doulos VHDL Training

athlete picture

“The Winning Edge”

In the quest for success, whether on the sporting field or elsewhere, some factors are more significant than others in ensuring an individual the success he or she deserves. Inherent skill and ability is obviously important but the scope and quality of training and preparation are often the factors that make the difference and give that individual or team “The Winning Edge”.

The Doulos VHDL training programme can legitimately claim to give you the winning edge because it offers:

So you can join literally thousands of engineers across Europe who have proved the effectiveness of the Doulos approach to VHDL training. You like them can then proceed to apply your newly acquired skills in successful projects.

teaching designComprehensive VHDL for FPGA/ASIC
chip iconAdvanced VHDL for Synthesis
hierarchy iconVHDL Seminar for Managers
electronic diagramComprehensive VHDL for Systems

setup iconPaceMaker CBT Software
Verilog magicVerilog Training

river sceneDoulos Home Page

Copyright 1995-1996 Doulos
This page was last updated 12th March 1996.

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