Using Quartus II Packages

Altera® provides several VHDL packages for use with the Quartus® II software. All packages are located in subdirectories of the \quartus\libraries\vhdlnn directory, where nn is "87" or "93". These directories are created automatically during Quartus II installation. The following table lists Altera-provided Quartus II packages and the subdirectories in which they are located:

NOTE If you use more than one of these packages in a single VHDL Design File (.vhd), you must use them in the order in which they are listed in this table.

File: Package: Library: Contents:
maxplus2.vhd maxplus2 altera Altera primitives supported by VHDL.
megacore.vhd megacore altera Pretested megafunctions consisting of several different design files.
altera_mf_components.vhd altera_mf_components altera_mf Altera megafunctions supported by VHDL.
std_logic_1164 ieee Standard for describing interconnection data types for VHDL modeling, and the STD_LOGIC and STD_LOGIC_VECTOR types.
lpm_pack.vhd lpm_components lpm LPM megafunctions supported by VHDL.
std_logic_arith ieee SIGNED and UNSIGNED types, arithmetic and relational functions for use with SIGNED and UNSIGNED types, and the conversion functions CONV_INTEGER, CONV_SIGNED, CONV_UNSIGNED, and CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR.
std_logic_signed ieee Functions that allow the Quartus II software to use STD_LOGIC_VECTOR types as if they are SIGNED types.
std_logic_unsigned ieee Functions that allow the Quartus II software to use STD_LOGIC_VECTOR types as if they are UNSIGNED types.
numeric_std.vhd numeric_std ieee Functions defined in IEEE Standard VHDL Synthesis Packages (IEEE Std 1076.3-1997).
numeric_bit.vhd numeric_bit ieee Functions defined in IEEE Standard VHDL Synthesis Packages (IEEE Std 1076.3-1997).

Altera also provides the wysiwyg library and the std library. The wysiwyg library contains packages for use with tools from other EDA vendors. The std library contains the standard and textio packages that are defined in the IEEE Std 1076-1993 IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. These libraries are located in the \quartus\libraries\vhdlnn\wysiwyg and \quartus\libraries\vhdlnn\std directories, respectively, where nn is "87" or "93".

Also, because the Quartus II software automatically specifies the current project directory as the work library, the Compiler considers any packages it creates from a project's VHDL Design Files to be in the work library.

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