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Node Finder

Node Finder Dialog Box

NOTE The Node Finder dialog box is accessible by clicking Node Finder in the Insert Node or Bus dialog box of the Waveform Editor, or by clicking Browse (...) in the Assignment Organizer, SignalTap II Logic Analyzer, Critical Path Settings, or Assign Pins dialog box. You can also access the Node Finder by choosing Utility Windows > Node Finder (View menu).

Allows you to find any node name in a compiled Quartus II project, based on the specified search criteria, and copy the selected node name(s) to the dialog box from which the Node Finder dialog box was accessed.

Pointer Click any item in this dialog box for information on that item:

Named Filter Customize hierarchy field hierarchy Include Subentities start stop OK cancel Nodes Found name assignments type creator copy node copy all nodes remove remove all name assignments type creator Nodes Found Selected Nodes Selected Nodes

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 12:04:40 -


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