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Timing Analyzer

Specify circuit frequency as

Allows you to specify the minimum required fMAX for the project, or to create clock settings that contain timing requirements for individual clock signals in the design. When you create clock settings and assign them to individual clock signals, this overrides any specified default required fMAX for the individual clock signal to which it is assigned. The following settings and options are available:

Option Description
Default required fmax Allows you to specify the default required fMAX for the project by typing a value and selecting a time unit in the list.
Include external delays to and from device pins in fmax calculations Specifies that the fMAX calculation should include external delays to and from device pins. You can turn on this option to indicate that pin-to-register and register-to-pin delays will be included when calculating the minimum speed at which the clock must run to latch all signals. This option is ignored during compilation if you have not specified external delays for the design.
Settings for individual clock signals Allows you to create, edit, or delete clock settings. Clock settings allow you to specify timing requirements for individual clock signals in your project. When you select Settings for individual clock signals, you can click New to create new clock settings; or you can select existing clock settings in the Existing clock settings list, and click Edit or Delete to edit or delete existing clock settings.
Existing clock settings Lists all the clock settings in the current project. When you select Settings for individual clock signals, you can select existing clock settings in the Existing clock settings list, and click Edit or Delete to edit or delete existing clock settings.
Cut paths between unrelated clock domains Eliminates the paths between unrelated clock domains from the timing analysis.

- PLDWorld -

- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 12:04:24 -


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