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Specifies the device family for the device you want to select or you want the Compiler to select for compilation. A device family appears in this list only if you install support for at least one device in the family in your copy of the Quartus® II software. Contact Altera® Applications or go to the Device Support page, which is available from the Support section of the Altera web site for more information on installing device support.

When you select a device family, the Available devices list in the Device page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu) displays available devices from that family.

If you specify the ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, Cyclone, FLEX 10KE, Mercury, Stratix, or Stratix GX device family for compilation, the Compiler has only one level of effort when optimizing timing, and therefore the Optimize timing list under Timing-driven compilation in the Fitting page in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu) is dimmed to indicate that it is not available.

If you specify the FLEX® 6000 device family for compilation, the Optimize I/O cell register placement for timing option under Timing-driven compilation is dimmed to indicate that it is not available.

If you specify the MAX® 3000 or MAX 7000 device family for compilation, the options under Timing-driven compilation are dimmed to indicate that they are not available.

- PLDWorld -

- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:52:42 -


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