[2007-05-25] PacoBlaze 2.2 posted.
Bug corrections on stack and interrupt. Reformatted one-hot encoding macros.
[2006-03-20] PacoBlaze 2.1 (beta-1) out.
First attempt to add a wide ALU that implements an 8x8 multiplier and 16-bit
add/sub instructions.
[2006-03-14] PacoBlaze 2.1 (beta) released.
Cleaned macro usage inside modules. Flattened operation decoding (no more
suboperations). Started adding some comparison testbenches. Refactored
address stack module and program counter control.
[2006-02-13] PacoBlaze 2.0 (beta) released.
Changed module hierarchy and names to ease implementation.
Corrected a bug regarding the port output operation and a bug in the ALU shift_bit signal.
A minor rewrite is ongoing to fix an interrupt bug. The corrected version will
be posted soon.
[2004-10-24] Update: PacoBlaze 1.3 (beta) is out. KCAsm
is now an universal compiler for all PicoBlaze
versions 1, 2 and 3. Parameters are selected using Java properties.
KCAsm *must* be compiled with a Java 5.0 compatible compiler.
For example, the command line
to assembly the KCPSM3-psm file my_assembler_file.psm and create the
my_module_name.v 18-bit BlockRAM Verilog configuration file together
with the my_listing_file.rmh Verilog-readmemh listing file, is:
java -Dkcpsm=3 -Dbram=18 -Dmodule=my_module_name
-jar KCAsm.jar my_assembler_file.psm my_listing_file.rmh