This is the front page for the F-CPU website. Due to the progressive freeze of the project since 2004, it is not much updated. You'll find mostly archives here, like design files, personal directories and other management services offered to the f-cpu community by the server. Look at if you need something that is alive ;-)
The Freedom CPU Project is an open work of collaboration in the world of microelectronics. Our goal is to create and distribute the source code of a high performance microprocessor core under a copyleft license. It's the first purely SIMD superpipelined RISC CPU core that handles 64-bit data and wider, so it can become a short vector processor in the future, and all the VHDL sources and resources are Free as in Free Speech !
made in GNU/EMACS through ssh by whygee, version 2004-02-29
Spéciale dédicace à : sveetchfr pour son aide noctanmoulesque
en PHP, toutes les moules qui m'ont repondu des trucs utiles entre deux RTFM/STFW,
Nicolas Matringe pour le logo, Martin Vahi and some others for proposing pages,
and of course : daique pour la maintenance du daCode !