Computer Aids for VLSI Design
Steven M. Rubin
Copyright © 1994
Chapter 11: Electric
11.7 Summary
Electric is a workbench for the exploration of CAD algorithms.
Because of its representational facilities, it can keep all kinds of
information--much is already available.
All the essential CAD system functions exist and are easily used.
Thus node extraction and rasterization do not need to be implemented
since the data are there.
Input and output facilities are also available, as are powerful
graphic display and editing.
The CAD tool programmer needs to write only the inner loop of new code, and
it can be easily plugged into the Electric framework.
The system's powerful integration allows the addition of tools,
environments, constraint systems, graphic interfaces, and much more.
Why is Electric's user interface not more tightly coupled with the database?
What is the difference between a complex node instance and a primitive
node instance?
Where would you place information about the power dissipation of wires?
How can overconstrained situations arise in the hierarchical-layout
constraint system?
During change broadcasts to tools in Electric, why can further changes
not be made?
How can routing needs be specified graphically?
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