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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Creating environment variables in Windows

In addition to the predefined variables shown above, you can define your own environment variables. This example shows a user-defined library path variable that can be referenced by the vmap command to add library mapping to the modelsim.ini file.

Using Windows 95/98/Me

Open and edit the autoexec.bat file by adding this line:

set MY_PATH=\temp\work 

Restart Windows to initialize the new variable.

Using Windows NT/2000

Right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties, then select the Environment tab (in Windows 2000 select the Advanced tab and then Environment Variables). Add the new variable with this data-Variable:MY_PATH and Value:\temp\work.

Click Set and Apply to initialize the variable (you don't need to restart NT).

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase