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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

The Main window toolbar

Buttons on the Main window toolbar give you quick access to these ModelSim commands and functions.

Main window toolbar buttons
Menu equivalent
Command equivalents
open the Compile HDL Source Files dialog box to select files for compilation
Design > Compile, also
Options > Compile (opens the Compile Options dialog box)
vcom <arguments>, or
vlog <arguments>
see: vcom or vlog
Load Design
open the Load Design dialog box to initiate simulation
Design > Load Design
vsim <arguments>
see: vsim
copy the selected text within the Main window transcript
Edit > Copy
paste the copied text to the cursor location
Edit > Paste
reload the design elements and resets the simulation time to zero, with the option of using current formatting, breakpoints, and WLF file
Run > Restart
restart <arguments>
see: restart
Run Length
specify the run length for the current simulation
run <specific run length>
see: run
run the current simulation for the specified run length
Run > Run <default_run_length>
run (no arguments)
see: run
Continue Run
continue the current simulation run until the end of specified run length or until it hits a breakpoint or specified break event
Run > Continue
run -continue
see: run
Run -All
run the current simulation forever, or until it hits a breakpoint or specified break event
Run > Run -All
run -all
stop the current simulation run
step the current simulation to the next HDL statement
Run > Step
see: step
Step Over
HDL statements are executed but treated as simple statements instead of entered and traced line by line
Run > Step -Over
step -over
see: step

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase