Lab 4 Transistor Widths

All NMOS/PMOS lengths should be 0.8U. The lengths of your NMOS/PMOS transistors are specified below, based upon the last digit of your SSN:

SSN last digit      NMOS Width(lamda)   PMOS Width(lambda)

  0                    4                   10
  1                    6                   15
  2                    8		   20
  3                   10		   25
  4                   12		   30
  5                   14		   35
  6                   16		   40
  7                   18		   45
  8                   20		   50
  9                   22		   55

Convert to microns by multiplying the lamda value by the microns/lambda value for the target technology (for scn08hp, 1 lambda = 0.4 U).