Procedural Modeling
USE: High level specification of behavior
entity traffic_light_controller
generic ( yellow_time : time;
min_hwygreen : time;
max_hwyred : time );
port ( farmroad_trip : in boolean;
farmroad_light : out color;
highway_light : out color
end traffic_light_controller;
architecture specification of traffic_light_controller is begin
cycle: process
highway_light <= green;
farmroad_light <= red;
wait for min_green;
wait until farmroad_trip;
highway_light <= yellow;
wait for yellow_time;
highway_light <= red;
farmroad_light <= green;
wait until not farmroad_trip for max_hwyred;
farmroad_light <= yellow;
wait for yellow_time;
end process;
end specification;
USE: Detailed Modeling of Behavior
Example: Timed Behavior of Primitive Elements
AND_n: process (x)
variable Zvar : bit := '1';
for i in x'range loop
if x = '0' then
Zvar := '0' ;
exit ;
end if;
end loop;
Z <= Zvar after Tprop ;
end process AND_n;
Process Statement
Inside a process is a sequential routine to compute the behavior
desired for the design at a specific moment in time.
label: process
The model for a process calls for it to be executed once (i.e. at TIME
= 0), running till it hits a WAIT statement. Time then advances until the
wait condition is satisfied, then execution resumes.
The process body executes in an endless loop, interrupted only by WAIT
statements; the bottom of the process contains an implicit "go to the top."
A Concurrent Statement
A process -- declarations, sequential body, and all -- is just another
kind of concurrent statement.
Evaluation of a process is caused when one of a list of signals in the
wait statement changes value --just as evaluation of a concurrent signal
assignment is caused by the change of a value in a condition, select_expression,
or waveform.
Just because a process is sequential does NOT mean it is modelling
the sequential behavior of a design.
Signals, variables, ports can all be set to default values:
As long as Tprop, K, load are generics or constants, we can write
variable Tplh : Time := Tprop + K * load ;
Ports can be initialized by
entity xyz port ( a : in bit := '0'; . . . )
Even so, this is not enough to fulfill all the requirements for
initializing a model.
At initialization, the user could be expected to provide the value
for VVRL, a machine state. For any of the inputs which are primary, initial
values can also be required. Inputs which come from other processes may
not be initialized. Moreover, it should not be necessary for the designer
to compute the initial output values for VVOS and PMRS in the circuit above.
Instead, we write for machine evaluation:
VVOS <= (not VVRL) and PMR) nor (IOS nand VVRL);
PMRS <= IOS or (( not VVRL) and PMR ) ;
By providing initial activation of every process in a VHDL model at
TIME = 0, it is possible to write the model so the consequences of setting
initial values will be completely propagated. Within a process sequential
signal assignment statements are always executed when they are encountered,
not just when a signal on the right hand side changes.
Variable and signal assignment
Variables: Exist only within procedural bodies, like processes,
functions, and procedures. Variable assignment statements appear as follows:
var := expression;
Variables are used within the sequential body just as in
other procedural languages.
Signals are used to communicate between concurrently executing
processes. Within a process they continue to have the form
sig <= waveform ;
which means that for the signal a sequence of value updating events
is to be scheduled for the future.
Misuse of Sequential Signal Assignments
Note that a signal does not take on its new value until time advances.
Until the process hits a WAIT statement, simulation time does not advance,
so the signal will never be updated before the WAIT, and may not be updated
even after the WAIT is complete if the WAIT completed faster than the signal
Wait Statements
Three forms of WAIT condition.
wait on signal_list ;
The signal_list is also called the sensitivity list . The
process will resume execution whenever an event occurs on one of those
wait until condition ;
The condition will be evaluated whenever one of the signals
in that boolean expression changes value, but execution of the process
does not resume until the condition evaluates TRUE.
wait for time_expression ;
The time_expression represents the time interval before execution
of the process resumes. Note that time_expression is not absolute
time, but time relative to the time at which the current execution of the
process took place.
Combining these forms permits the creation of complex criteria
for process resumption:
wait on DAV for Timeout ;
The process will resume either when DAV changes or until the Timeout
delay has occurred. Timeout is effectively a maximum delay till the process
wait on a1, a2, a3 until enable = '1'
The process resumes when a change occurs on a1, a2, or a3
and the condition enable = '1' is true. "Until" is misleading
here because enable has to actually be high when the change
occurs on a1, a2, or a3, to make the process resume.
Use of Multiple Wait Statements
Signals combined with Wait statements give the ability to create
communicating sequential processes. However, synthesis tools do not
usually allow the use of multiple WAIT statements within a process, and
their use is usually restricted to modeling either combinational logic
or clocked sequential circuits.
Example: CPU and Memory handshaking
Memory: process
DAV <= '0';
wait until Mem_Req = '1';
Data <= ROM_DATA(Address) after 50 ns;
DAV <= '1' after 60 ns;
wait until Mem_Req = '0';
end process;
CPU_Read: process
Mem_Req <= '0';
wait until ... the need for memory read ;
Address <= . . . address value . . .
Mem_Req <= '1' after 10 ns;
wait until DAV = '1';
MD_Reg <= Data;
end process;
Sensitivity Lists
Are equivalent to a single WAIT with a sensitivity list at the bottom
of the process. You are likely to see them because this is often
the only kind of WAIT statement that synthesis tools are willing to accept.
The form
wait on a, b, c, d;
end process;
can be replaced with the process header form:
myproc: process ( a, b, c, d )
where signals a, b, c, d are the sensitivity list. Whenever any of these
signals change value, the process will be executed.
Note: Processes with a sensitivity list may not contain any wait
statements, nor may they call procedures with wait statements.
Copyright 1998, Ben M. Huey
Copying this document without the permission of the author is prohibited
and a violation of international copyright laws.
Rev. 2/17/98 B. Huey