Option (Device Options Section) |
Option Name (Location) |
Setting |
Auto-restart configuration after error |
Auto-restart configuration after error (General tab) |
On | Off |
Release clears before tri-states |
Release clears before tri-states (General tab) |
On | Off |
Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) |
Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) (General tab) |
On | Off |
Enable device-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) |
Enable device-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) (General tab) |
On | Off |
Enable device-wide output enable (DEV_OE) |
Enable device-wide output enable (DEV_OE) (General tab) |
On | Off |
Enable INIT_DONE output |
Enable INIT_DONE output (General tab) |
On | Off |
Enable LOCK output |
Enable LOCK output (General tab) |
On | Off |
Auto-increment JTAG user code for multiple configuration devices |
Automatically increment JTAG user code for multiple configuration devices (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) |
On | Off |
Disable CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pull-ups on configuration device |
Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) |
On | Off |
Low-voltage mode |
Low-voltage mode (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) |
On | Off |
Generate Tabular Text File (.ttf) |
Tabular Text File (.ttf) (Programming Files tab) |
On | Off |
Generate Raw Binary File (.rbf) |
Raw Binary File (.rbf) (Programming Files tab) |
On | Off |
Generate Hexadecimal Output File (.hexout) |
Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File (.hexout) (Programming Files tab) |
On | Off |
Configuration Scheme |
Configuration Scheme (Configuration tab) |
Passive Serial | Passive Parallel Asynchronous | Passive Parallel Synchronous | Fast Passive Parallel |
Hexadecimal Output File count direction |
Count (Programming Files tab) |
Up | Down |
JTAG user code for target device |
JTAG user code (32-bit hexadecimal) (General tab) |
<number> |
JTAG user code for configuration device |
Configuration device JTAG user code (32-bit hexadecimal) (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) |
<number> |
Hexadecimal Output File start address |
Start address (Programming Files tab) |
<number> |
Reserve nWS, nRS, nCS, CS pins after configuration |
Dual-purpose pin usage after configuration (nWS, nRS, nCS, CS) (Dual-Purpose Pins tab) |
Off | As input tri-stated | As output driving ground | As output driving an unspecified signal
By default, this option is turned off and is not included in the Device Options section. |
Reserve RDYnBUSY pin after configuration |
Dual-purpose pin usage after configuration (RDYnBUSY) (Dual-Purpose Pins tab) |
Off | As input tri-stated | As output driving ground | As output driving an unspecified signal
By default, this option is turned off and is not included in the Device Options section. |
Reserve Data[7..1] pins after configuration |
Dual-purpose pin usage after configuration (Data[7..1]) (Dual-Purpose Pins tab) |
Off | As input tri-stated | As output driving ground | As output driving an unspecified signal
By default, this option is turned off and is not included in the Device Options section. |
Reserve all unused pins |
Reserve all unused pins (Unused Pins tab) |
As inputs, tri-stated | As outputs, driving ground | As outputs, driving an unspecified signal |
Configuration device |
Use configuration device (Configuration tab) |
If turned on, <configuration device name> |
Configuration device auto user code |
JTAG user code (Configuration tab) |
On | Off |
Auto user code |
Auto usercode (General tab) |
On | Off |
Base pin-out file on SameFrame device |
Base the Pin-Out File (.pin) and floorplan package views on the largest selected SameFrame device (Migration devices dialog box from the Device page). |
On | Off |
The following example shows the Device Options section generated for a sample design: