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Saving a File

To save changes to a previously saved file:

  1. Open an existing file.

  2. Choose Save (File menu).  Shortcut  More Details


To save an untitled file or save a previously saved file under a new name:

  1. Create a new file or open an existing file.

  2. Choose Save As (File menu). More Details

  3. If necessary, in the Save As dialog box, select a target directory in the Save in list.

  4. Select a file to overwrite in the Files list or type the file name in the File name box.

  5. If necessary, in the Save as type list, select a different file name extension.

  6. If necessary, turn on Add file to current project/Create new project based on this file.

  7. Click Save.


To save all open files:

Checkmark Choose Save All (File menu).  Shortcut  More Details

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:56:08 -


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