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EDA Interfaces

More Details About Specifying VHDL Output Settings

A VHDL Output File (.vho) and a Standard Delay Format Output File (.sdo) are created after you specify VHDL output settings and compile the project.

The Compiler places the generated VHDL Output File into a tool specific directory within the current project directory. For EDA simulation tools, the VHDL Output File is placed in <project directory>/simulation/<EDA simulation tool>. For EDA timing analysis tools, the VHDL Output File is placed in /<project directory>/timing/<EDA timing analysis tool>. If the Custom Verilog HDL or Custom VHDL option is specified in the EDA Tool Settings page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu) for simulation or timing analysis, the VHDL Output File is placed in <project directory>/simulation/custom or <project directory>/timing/custom.

- PLDWorld -

- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:53:56 -


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