VHDL and System-on-Chip

IAX8165 5.0 AP 4 3-2-0 E

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Content ( lectures , exercises )
Exam ,
WWW links
Simulators and synthesizers


Modeling concepts for digital and analog hardware. Hardware description languages - VHDL, Verilog, HandelC. Description levels in VHDL - behavioral/functional, structural and data-flow levels. Synthesizable VHDL. Verilog and HandelC - description levels and simulation engines. Description languages for analog hardware - Spice, VHDL-AMS. Simulation and modeling in modern design tools. Hardware specification levels - system level, high level, register transfer level, and logic level. Hardware synthesis tasks at different abstraction levels. System-on-a-Chip (SoC), technological reasons. Components of SoC, bus architectures. Clock generation and distribution. Low power systems. Network on a chip. Mixed systems - analog and digital components on the same chip.


Overview and basic knowledge of VLSI design process, methods, and tools. Overview and basic knowledge of hardware description languages (VHDL, Verilog, and SystemC), their specifics, and their use both for simulation and synthesis. After the course, the students will know how to use VHDL at various design phases with the use of at least one industrial simulation and synthesis system.


The basic knowledge about processor architectures, binary logic, and state machines is expected. Practical Unix/Linux knowledge is a plus.


The course ends with an oral exam where two questions should be answered. One of the questions covers HDLs, another covers synthesis related questions. The prerequisites for the exam are reported and passed exercises.


  1.  Lectures
  2.  Exercises
  3.  Exam -- Prerequisites - exercise passed before the examination day.



The list given below is not final - there exists a large number of books that can be used. In principle, it would be enough to use a book that covers both VHDL (or simulation) and synthesis related topics.

Library of TUT

Additional literature


WWW links

There exist hundreds of links. For the beginning...

Simulators & synthesizers

Mostly freeware

Last modified 2008.12.15

출처: http://mini.li.ttu.ee/~lrv/IAX8165/