Computer Aids for VLSI Design
Steven M. Rubin
Copyright © 1994
Appendix F: References for the Entire Book
Abramovici, M.; Levendel, Y.H.; and Menon, P.R., "A Logic Simulation Machine,"
Proceedings 9th Symposium on Computer Architecture,
SIGArch Newsletter, 10:3, 148-157, April 1982.
Ackland, Bryan; Dickenson, Alex; Ensor, Robert; Gabbe, John; Kollaritsch, Paul;
London, Tom; Poirier, Charles; Subrahmanyam, P.; and Watanabe, Hiroyuki,
"CADRE-A System of Cooperating VLSI Design Experts," Proceedings IEEE
International Conference on Computer Design, 99-104, October 1985.
[1, 4]
Ackland, Bryan and Weste, Neil, "Realtime Animation Playback on a
Frame Store Display System," Computer Graphics, 14:3, 182-188,
August 1980.
Ackland, Bryan and Weste, Neil, "An Automatic Assembly Tool for
Virtual Grid Symbolic Layout," VLSI '83 (Anceau and Aas, eds),
North Holland, Amsterdam, 457-466, August 1983.
Adobe Systems Incorporated, PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1985.
ANSI, Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard (PHIGS),
American National Standards Institute X3H3/84-40, February 1984.
Applicon, Bravo3 User's Guide, Applicon Incorporated, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Applicon, IAGL User's Guide, Applicon Incorporated, Burlington,
Massachusetts, June 1983.
Arnold, John E., "The Knowledge-Based Test Assistant's Wave/Signal Editor:
An Interface for the Management of Timing Constraints," Proceedings 2nd
Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, 130-136, December 1985.
[3, 8]
Arnold, Michael H. and Ousterhout, John K., "Lyra: A New Approach to
Geometric Layout Rule Checking," Proceedings 19th Design Automation
Conference, 530-536, June 1982.
Atkinson, William D.; Bond, Karen E.; Tribble, Guy L.; and Wilson, Kent R.,
"Computing with Feeling," Computers and Graphics, 2:2, 97-103, 1977.
Atwood, Thomas M., "An Object-Oriented DBMS for Engineering Design Support
Applications," Proceedings Compint Conference, Montreal, 299-307, September
Ayres, Ronald F., VLSI Silicon Compilation and the Art of Automatic
Microchip Design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1983.
Baird, Henry S., "Fast Algorithms for LSI Artwork Analysis", Proceedings 14th
Design Automation Conference, 303-311, June 1977.
Baird, H. S. and Cho, Y. E., "An Artwork Design Verification System,"
Proceedings 12th Design Automation Conference, 414-420, June 1975.
Baker, Clark M. and Terman, Chris, "Tools for Verifying Integrated Circuit
Designs," Lambda, 1:3, 22-30, 4th Quarter 1980.
[4, 5, 11]
Balraj, T. S. and Foster, M. J., "Miss Manners: A Specialized Silicon Compiler
for Synchronizers," Proceedings 4th MIT Conference on Advanced Research in
VLSI (Leiserson, ed), 3-20, April 1986.
Baray, Mehmet B. and Su, Stephen Y. H., "A Digital System Modeling Philosophy
and Design Language," Proceedings 8th Design Automation Workshop, 1-22,
June 1971.
Barrow, Harry G., "VERIFY: A Program for Proving Correctness of Digital
Hardware Designs," Artificial Intelligence, 24:1-3, 437-491, December
Barsky, Brian A. and Beatty, John C., "Local Control of Bias and
Tension in Beta-splines," Computer Graphics, 17:3, 193-218, July 1983.
Barton, E. E. and Buchanan, I., "The Polygon Package," Computer Aided
Design, 12:1, 3-11, January 1980.
Batali, J. and Hartheimer, A., "The Design Procedure Language Manual,"
AI Memo 598, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980.
[3, 8, 11]
Baumgart, Bruce Guenther, Geometric Modeling for Computer Vision,
PhD dissertation, Stanford University, August 1974.
Bell, C. Gordon; Grason, John; and Newell, Allen, Designing Computers and
Digital Systems Using PDP 16 Register Transfer Modules, Digital Press,
Maynard, Massachusetts, 1972.
Bell, C. Gordon and Newell, Allen, Computer Structures: Readings and
Examples, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971.
Bell, J. L. and Slomson, A. B., Models and Ultraproducts: An Introduction,
North-Holland and American Elsevier, New York, 1971.
Bentley, Jon Louis; Haken, Dorthea; and Hon, Robert W., "Fast Geometric
Algorithms for VLSI Tasks," Proceedings 20th IEEE Compcon, 88-92,
February 1980.
Beresford, Roderic, "Comparing Gate Arrays and Standard-Cell ICs,"
VLSI Design, IV:8, 30-36, December 1983.
Bezier, P, Numerical Control-Mathematics and Applications,
(A. R. Forest, trans), Wiley, London, 1972.
Blank, Tom, "A Survey of Hardware Accelerators Used in Computer-Aided
Design," IEEE Design and Test, 1:3, 21-39, August 1984.
Bobrow, Daniel G.; Burchfiel, Jerry D.; Murphy, Daniel L.; and Tomlinson, Raymond
S., "TENEX: A Paged Time Sharing system for the PDP-10," CACM, 15:3
135-143, March 1972.
Borning, Alan, "ThingLab-A Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory,"
PhD dissertation, Stanford University, July 1979.
[3, 8]
Borriello, Gaetano, "WAVES: A Digital Waveform Editor for the Design,
Documentation, and Specification of Interfaces," unpublished document.
[3, 8]
Borriello, Gaetano; Katz, Randy H.; Bell, Alan G.; and Conway, Lynn,
"VLSI System Design by the Numbers," IEEE Spectrum, 22:2, 44-50,
February 1985.
Breshenham, J. E., "Algorithm for Computer Control of Digital Plotter,"
IBM Systems Journal, 4:1, 25-30, 1965.
Breshenham, J. E., "A Linear Algorithm for Incremental Digital Display
of Circular Arcs," CACM, 20:2, 100-106, February 1977.
Breuer, Melvin A., "A Class of Min-Cut Placement Algorithms," Proceedings 14th
Design Automation Conference, 284-290, June 1977.
Brown, Harold; Tong, Christofer; and Foyster, Gordon, "Palladio: An
Exploratory Environment for Circuit Design," IEEE Computer, 16:12,
41-56, December 1983.
[1, 3, 8]
Bryant, Randal Everitt, A Switch-Level Simulation Model for Integrated
Logic Circuits, PhD dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory for Computer Science, report MIT/LCS/TR-259, March 1981.
[6, 11]
Bryant, Randal, "Preface", Proceedings 3rd Caltech Conference on VLSI
(Bryant ed), Computer Science Press, v-viii, March 1983.
Buric, Misha R. and Matheson, Thomas G., "Silicon Compilation Environments,"
Proceedings Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 208-212, May 1985.
[4, 8]
Burstein, Michael; Hong, Se June; and Pelavin, Richard, "Hierarchical
VLSI Layout: Simultaneous Placement and Wiring of Gate Arrays,"
VLSI '83 (Anceau and Aas, eds), North Holland, Amsterdam,
45-60, August 1983.
CAE Corporation, CAE 2000 Command Language User's Manual, August 1984.
Calma Corporation, GDS II Stream Format, July 1984.
Calma, GPL II Programmers Reference Manual, GE Calma Company,
February 1981.
Card, Stuart K.; Moran, Thomas P.; and Newell, Allen, The Psychology of
Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1983.
Catmull, Edwin, "A Hidden Surface Algorithm with Anti-Aliasing,"
Computer Graphics, 12:3, 6-11, August 1978.
Chao, Shiu-Ping; Huang, Yen-Son; and Yam, Lap Man, "A Hierarchical Approach
for Layout Versus Circuit Consistency Check," Proceedings 17th Design Automation
Conference, 270-276, June 1980.
Chawla, Basant R.; Gummel, Hermann K.; and Kozak, Paul, "MOTIS-An MOS Timing
Simulator," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, CAS-22:12, 901-910,
December 1975.
Chen, C.F.; Lo, C-Y.; Nham, H.N.; and Subramaniam, Prasad,
"The Second Generation MOTIS Mixed-Mode Simulator," Proceedings 21st Design
Automation Conference, 10-17, June 1984.
Cheng, Chung-Kuan and Kuh, Ernest S., "Module Placement Based on Resistive
Network Optimization," IEEE Transactions on CAD, 3:3, 218-225,
July 1984
Cherry, James; Shrobe, Howard; Mayle, Neil; Baker, Clark; Minsky, Henry;
Reti, Kalman; and Weste, Neil, "NS: An Integrated Symbolic Design System,"
VLSI '85, (Horbst, ed), 325-334, August 1985.
Chiba, Toshiaki; Takashima, Makoto; and Mitsuhashi, Takashi, "A Mask Artwork
Analysis System for Bipolar Integrated Circuits," Proceedings 21st IEEE Compcon,
175-183, September 1981.
CMC, Guide to the Integrated Circuit Implementation Services of the Canadian
Microelectronics Corporation, version 2:0, Kingston Ontario, January 1986.
Clark, G. C. and Zippel, R. E., "Schema: An Architecture for Knowledge
Based CAD," ICCAD '85, 50-52, November 1985.
Clarke, Edmund and Feng, Yulin, "Escher-A Geometrical Layout System for
Recursively Defined Circuits," Proceedings 23rd Design Automation Conference,
650-653, June 1986.
Computervision, CADDS II/VLSI Integrated Circuit Programming Language User's
Guide, Computervision Corporation Document 001-00045, Bedford, Massachusetts,
April 1986.
Conway, Lynn; Bell, Alan; and Newell, Martin E., "MPC79: The
Demonstration-Operation of a Prototype Remote-Entry Fast-Turnaround VLSI
Implementation System," Proceedings MIT Conference on Advanced Research in
Integrated Circuits, January 1980 (also reprinted in Lambda, 1:2, 10-19,
2nd Quarter 1980).
Crawford, B. J., "Design Rules Checking for Integrated Circuits Using
Graphical Operators," Computer Graphics, 9:1, 168-176, 1975.
Curry, James E., "A Tablet Input Facility for an Interactive Graphics System,"
Proceedings IJCAI '69, 33-40, May 1969.
Davis, A. L. and Drongowski, P. J., "Dataflow Computers: A Tutorial and
Survey," University of Utah UUCS-80-109, July 1980.
Davis, Tom, and Clark, Jim, "SILT: A VLSI Design Language," Stanford University
Computer Systems Laboratory Technical Report 226, October 1982.
Deas, Alex R. and Nixon, Ian M., "Chromatic Idioms for Automated VLSI
Floorplanning," VLSI '85, (Horbst, ed), 61-70, August 1985.
De Man, Hugo J.; Bolsens, I.; Meersch, Erik Vanden; and Cleynenbreugel, Johan
Van, "DIALOG: An Expert Debugging System for MOSVLSI Design," IEEE
Transactions on CAD, 4:3, 303-311, July 1985.
Denneau, Monty M., "The Yorktown Simulation Engine," Proceedings 19th Design
Automation Conference, 55-59, June 1982.
Dennis, J. B., Fosseen, J. B., and Linderman, J. P., "Data Flow Schemas,"
Proceedings International Symposium on Theoretical Programming, 187-216,
Denyer, Peter B.; Murray, Alan F.; and Renshaw, David, "FIRST-Prospect
and Retrospect," VLSI Signal Processing, IEEE press, New York, 252-263,
Deutsch, David N., "A 'Dogleg' Channel Router," Proceedings 13th Design
Automation Conference, 425-433, June 1976.
Deutsch, L. P. and Bobrow, D. G., "An Efficient Incremental Automatic
Garbage Collector," CACM, 19:9, 522-526, September 1976.
Digital, PDP10 Timesharing Handbook, Digital Press, Maynard, Massachusetts,
Do, James and Dawson, William M., "Spacer II: A Well-Behaved IC Layout
Compactor," VLSI '85, (Horbst, ed), 283-291, August 1985.
Dobes, Ivan and Byrd, Ron, "The Automatic Recognition of Silicon Gate
Transistor Geometries: An LSI Design Aid Program," Proceedings 13th Design
Automation Conference, 327-335, June 1976.
Department of Defense, "Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams," MIL-STD-806B,
Washington, D.C., February 1962.
Doreau, Michel T. and Koziol, Piotr, "TWIGY: A Topological Algorithm Based
Routing System," Proceedings 18th Design Automation Conference, 746-755,
June 1981.
Dunlop, A. E., "SLIM-The Translation of Symbolic Layouts into Mask Data,"
Proceedings 17th Design Automation Conference, 595-602, June 1980.
Ebeling, Carl and Zajicek, Ofer, "Validating VLSI Circuit Layout by
Wirelist Comparison," ICCAD '83, 172-173, September 1983.
[1, 5]
Electronic Design Interface Format Steering Committee,
EDIF-Electronic Design Interchange Format Version 1 0 0,
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, 1985.
[7, 11]
Entenman, George and Daniel, Stephen W., "A Fully Automatic Hierarchical
Compactor," Proceedings 22nd Design Automation Conference, 69-75, June 1985.
Eustace, R. Alan and Mukhopadhyay, Amar, "A Deterministic Finite Automaton
Approach to Design Rule Checking For VLSI," Proceedings 19th Design
Automation Conference, 712-717, June 1982.
Factron, "CADDIF Version 2.0 Engineering Specifications," Schlumberger
Factron, October 1985.
Fairbairn, D. G. and Rowson, J. A., "ICARUS: An Interactive Integrated
Circuit Layout Program," Proceedings 15th Design Automation
Conference, 188-192, June 1978.
Feller, A., "Automatic Layout of Low-Cost Quick-Turnaround Random-Logic
Custom LSI Devices", Proceedings 13th Design Automation Conference,
79-85, June 1976.
Fishburn, J. P. and Dunlop, A. E., "TILOS: A Posynomial Programming Approach
to Transistor Sizing," ICCAD '85, 326-328, November 1985.
Foley, J. D. and Van Dam, A., Fundamentals of Interactive
Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1982.
Freeman, William J. III and Freund, Vincent J. Jr., "A History of
Semicustom Design at IBM," VLSI Systems Design, Semicustom Design
Guide, 14-22, Summer 1986.
Frey, Ernest J., "ESIM: A Functional Level Simulation Tool,"
ICCAD '84, 48-50, November 1984.
Fuchs, Henry; Poulton, John; Paeth, Alan; and Bell, Alan, "Developing
Pixel-Planes, A Smart Memory-Based Raster Graphics System," Proceedings MIT
Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI (Penfield, ed), 137-146, January 1982.
Gajski, Daniel D., "ARSENIC Silicon Compiler," Proceedings International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 399-402, June 1985.
Garey, Michael R. and Johnson, David S., Computers and Intractability,
A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco,
Gerber Corporation, "Gerber Format," Gerber Scientific Instrument Company
document number 40101-S00-066A, July 1983.
German, Steven M. and Wang, Yu, "Formal Verification of Parameterized Hardware
Designs," Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Design,
549-552, October 1985.
Gibson, Dave and Nance, Scott, "SLIC-Symbolic Layout of Integrated
Circuits," Proceedings 13th Design Automation Conference, 434-440, June 1976.
[1, 2]
Glasser, Lance A. and Dobberpuhl, Daniel W., The Design and Analysis of
VLSI Circuits, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1985.
[2, 6]
Goates, Gary B.; Harris, Thomas R.; Oettel, Richard E.; and Waldron, Harvey
M. III, "Storage/Logic Array Design: Reducing Theory to Practice,"
VLSI Design, III:4, 56-62, 1982.
Gordon, M., "A Very Simple Model of Sequential Behaviour of nMOS,"
VLSI '81 (Gray, ed), Academic Press, London, 85-94, August 1981.
Gordon, Mike, "HOL-A Machine Oriented Formulation of Higher Order Logic,"
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, technical report 68, July 1985.
Gosling, James, Algebraic Constraints, PhD dissertation, Carnegie-Mellon
University, CMU-CS-83-132, May 1983.
[3, 8]
Gosling, James, personal communications.
GPSC, "Status Report of the Graphic Standards Planning Committee,"
Computer Graphics, 13:3, August 1979.
Griswold, Thomas W., "Portable Design Rules for Bulk CMOS," VLSI Design,
III:5, 62-67, September/October 1982.
Gross, A. G.; Raamot, J.; and Watkins, S. B., "Computer Systems for
Pattern Generator Control," Bell Systems Technical Journal, 49:9,
2011-2029, November 1970.
Grundmann, John W., "Event-Driven MOS Timing Simulator,"
ICCAD '83, 141-142, September 1983.
Guttman, Antonin, "R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching,"
ACM SIGMOD, 14:2, 47-57, June 1984.
[3, 11]
Haber, Ralph Norman, "How We Remember What We See," Scientific American,
222:5, 104-112, May 1970.
Hachtel, G. D.; Newton, A. R.; and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. L., "Techniques
for Programmable Logic Array Folding," Proceedings 19th Design Automation
Conference, 147-155, June 1982.
Hamachi, Gordon T. and Ousterhout, John K., "A Switchbox Router with Obstacle
Avoidance," Proceedings 21st Design Automation Conference, 173-179,
June 1984.
Harrison, D. S.; Moore, P.; Spickelmier, R. L.; and Newton, A. R., "Data Management
and Graphics Editing in the Berkeley Design Environment," 1986 IEEE International
Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 24-27, 1986.
Harrison, Richard A. and Olson, Daniel J., "Race Analysis of Digital
Systems Without Logic Simulation," Proceedings 8th Design Automation
Workshop, 82-94, June 1971.
Heller, W. R., "An Algorithm for Chip Planning," Caltech Silicon Structures
Project file #2806, 1979.
Heller, William R.; Sorkin, G.; Maling, Klim, "The Planar Package Planner
for System Designers," Proceedings 19th Design Automation Conference,
253-260, June 1982.
Hellestrand, G. R.; Tan, C. H.; Yong, F. N.; and Forster, R. L., "Australian
Multi-Project Chip Activities, 1982-1986", Joint Microelectronics Research
Centre, University of New South Wales, October 1986.
Henderson, Peter, "Functional Geometry," Proceedings ACM Symposium on LISP and
Functional Programming, 179-187, August 1982.
Hennion, B. and Senn, P., "A New Algorithm for Third Generation Circuit
Simulators: The One-Step Relaxation Method," Proceedings 22nd Design Automation
Conference, 137-143, June 1985.
HHB, CADAT User's Manual, Revision 5.0, HHB-Softron, Mahwah, New Jersey,
June 1985.
Hightower, D. W., "A Solution to Line-Routing Problems in the Continuous
Plane," Proceedings 6th Design Automation Workshop, 1-24, June 1969.
Holt, Dan and Sapiro, Steve, "BOLT-A Block Oriented Design Specification
Language," Proceedings 18th Design Automation Conference, 276-279, June 1981.
Hon, Robert W., The Hierarchical Analysis of VLSI Designs, PhD
dissertation, Carnegie-Mellon University Computer Science Department,
CMU-CS-83-170, December 1983.
Hon, Robert W. and Sequin, Carlo H., "A Guide to LSI Implementation," 2nd
Edition, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center technical memo SSL-79-7,
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[4, 7, 11]
Horowitz, Mark, "Timing Models for MOS Pass Networks," Proceedings International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 198-201, May 1983.
Hsueh, Min-Yu and Pederson, Donald O., "Computer-Aided Layout of LSI
Circuit Building-Blocks," Proceedings International Symposium on Circuits
and Systems, 474-477, July 1979.
[4, 8]
IBM, Advanced Statistical Analysis Program (ASTAP), IBM Corporation
Data Products Division, Publication SH20-1118-0, White Plains, New York.
Insinga, Aron K., "Behavioral Modeling in a Structural Logic Simulator,"
ICCAD '84, 42-44, November 1984.
Jain, Sunil K. and Agrawal, Vishwani D., "Modeling and Test Generation
Algorithms for MOS Circuits," IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-34:5,
426-433, May 1985.
Jarvis, J. F.; Judice, C. N.; and Ninke, W. H., "A Survey of Techniques
for the Image Display of Continuous Tone Pictures on Bilevel Displays,"
Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 5:1, 13-40, March 1976.
Johannsen, D. L., "Bristle Blocks: A Silicon Compiler," Proceedings 16th
Design Automation Conference, 310-313, June 1979.
Johnson, Dean P. and Lipman, Jim, "IC Packaging: An Introduction For
the VLSI Designer," VLSI Systems Design, VII:6, 108-116, June 1986.
Johnson, Stephen C., "Hierarchical Design Validation Based on Rectangles,"
Proceedings MIT Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI (Penfield, ed), 97-100,
January 1982.
[5, 8, 11]
Jouppi, Norman P., "TV: An nMOS Timing Analyzer," Proceedings 3rd
Caltech Conference on VLSI (Bryant, ed), Computer Science Press, 71-85,
March 1983.
Kahrs, Mark, "Silicon compilation of a very high level signal processing
specification language," VLSI Signal Processing, IEEE press, New York,
228-238, 1984.
Kaplan, David, "A 'Non-Restrictive' Artwork Verification Program for
Printed Circuit Boards," Proceedings 19th Design Automation Conference,
551-558, June 1982.
Karplus, Kevin, "Exclusion Constraints, a new application of Graph
Algorithms to VLSI Design," Proceedings 4th MIT Conference on Advanced
Research in VLSI (Leiserson, ed), 123-139, April 1986.
[3, 5]
Kedem, Gershon, "The Quad-CIF Tree: A Data Structure for Hierarchical On-Line
Algorithms," Proceedings 19th Design Automation Conference, 352-357, June 1982.
Keller, John, Power and Ground Requirements for a High Speed 32 Bit Computer
Chip Set, Masters thesis, University of California at Berkeley,
UCB/CSD 86/253, August 1985.
Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M., The C Programming Language,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1978.
Kernighan, B. W.; Schweikert, D. G.; and Persky, G., "An Optimum Channel-Routing
Algorithm for Polycell Layouts of Integrated Circuits," Proceedings 10th
Design Automation Workshop, 50-59, June 1973.
Ketonen, Jussi and Weening, Joseph S., "EKL-An Interactive Proof Checker
User's Reference Manual," Stanford University Department of Computer Science,
report STAN-CS-84-1006, June 1984.
Kim, Jin H.; McDermott, John; and Siewiorek, Daniel P., "Exploiting Domain
Knowledge in IC Cell Layout," IEEE Design and Test, 1:3, 52-64, 1984.
Kingsley, C., Earl: An Integrated Circuit Design Language, Masters
Thesis, California Institute of Technology, June 1982.
[8, 11]
Kirkpatrick, S.; Gelatt, C. D. Jr.; and Vecchi, M. P., "Optimization
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Kollaritsch, P. W. and Weste, N. H. E., "A Rule-Based Symbolic Layout Expert,"
VLSI Design, V:8, 62-66, August 1984.
Koppelman, George M. and Wesley, Michael A., "OYSTER: A Study of Integrated
Circuits as Three-Dimensional Structures," IBM Journal of Research and
Development, 27:2, 149-163, March 1983.
Kors, J. L. and Israel, M., "An Interactive Electrical Graph Extractor,"
Proceedings 21st Design Automation Conference, 624-628, June 1984.
Kostiuk, A. R., "QUISC: An Interactive Silicon Compiler,"
M.Sc. Thesis, Queen's University at Kingston, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1987.
Kowalski, T. J. and Thomas, D. E., "The VLSI Design Automation Assistant:
Prototype System," Proceedings 20th Design Automation Conference, 479-483,
June 1983.
Kozminski, Krzysztof and Kinnen, Edwin, "An Algorithm for Finding a Rectangular
Dual of a Planar Graph for Use in Area Planning for VLSI Integrated Circuits,"
Proceedings 21st Design Automation Conference, 655-656, June 1984.
Knuth, Donald E., The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1/Fundamental
Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1969.
Knuth, Donald E., TEX and METAFONT-New Directions in Typesetting,
Digital Press, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1979.
Kroeker, Wallace I., Integrated Environmental Support for Silicon
Compilation of Digital Filters, Masters Thesis, University of Calgary
Computer Science Department, March 1986.
Lanfri, Ann R., "PHLED45: An Enhanced Version of Caesar Supporting 45 degree
Geometries," Proceedings 21st Design Automation Conference, 558-564,
June 1984.
Lansky, A. L. and Owicki, S. S., "GEM: A Tool for Concurrency Specification
and Verification," Proceedings 2nd Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing, 198-212, August 1983.
Lathrop, Richard H. and Kirk, Robert S., "An Extensible Object-Oriented
Mixed-Mode Functional Simulation System," Proceedings 22nd Design Automation
Conference, 630-636, June 1985.
Lauther, Ulrich, "Channel Routing in a General Cell Environment," VLSI '85,
(Horbst, ed), 393-403, August 1985.
Lee, C. Y., "An Algorithm for Path Connections and Its Applications,"
IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-10, 346-365,
September 1961.
Leinwand, Sany M., "Integrated Design Environment," unpublished manuscript,
April 1984.
Liblong, Breen M., SHIFT-A Structured Hierarchical Intermediate Form for
VLSI Design Tools, Masters Thesis, University of Calgary Department of
Computer Science, September 1984.
Lightner, M.R.; Moceyunas, P.H.; Mueller, H.P.; Vellandi, B.L.; and
Vellandi, H.P., "CSIM: The Evolution of a Behavioral Level Simulator from
a Functional Simulator: Implementation Issues and Performance Measurements,"
ICCAD '85, 350-352, November 1985.
Lin, Tzu-Mu and Mead, Carver A., "Signal Delay in General RC Networks
with Application to Timing Simulation of Digital Integrated Circuits,"
Proceedings MIT Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI (Penfield ed), 93-99,
January 1984.
Lipton, Richard J.; North, Stephen C.; Sedgewick, Robert; Valdes, Jacobo; and
Vijayan, Gopalakrishnan, "ALI: a Procedural Language to Describe VLSI
Layouts," Proceedings 19th Design Automation Conference, 467-473, June 1982.
[8, 11]
Liu, Erwin S. K., "A Silicon Logic Module Compiler," Project Report,
University of Calgary Department of Computer Science, April 1984.
Locanthi, Bart, "Object Oriented Raster Displays," Proceedings 1st Caltech
Conference on VLSI (Seitz, ed), 215-225, January 1979.
Lopez, Alexander D. and Law, Hung-Fai S., "A Dense Gate Matrix Layout Method
for MOS VLSI," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 27:8, 1671-1675,
August 1980.
Losleben, P., "Computer Aided Design for VLSI," Very Large Scale Integration
(VLSI) 5 (Barbe, ed), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 89-127, 1980.
Losleben, Paul and Thompson, Kathryn, "Topological Analysis for VLSI Circuits,"
Proceedings 16th Design Automation Conference, 461-473, June 1979.
Luk, W. K., "A Greedy Switch-box Router," Carnegie-Mellon University
Department of Computer Science VLSI Document V158, May 1984.
Lyon, Richard F., "Simplified Design Rules for VLSI Layouts," Lambda,
2:1, 54-59, 1st Quarter 1981.
Lyon, Richard F., "The Optical Mouse, and an Architectural Methodology for
Smart Digital Sensors," Proceedings C-MU Conference on VLSI Systems and
Computations (Kung, Sproull, and Steele, eds), 1-19, October 1981.
Lyon, Richard F. and Schediwy, Richard R., "CMOS Static Memory with
a New Four-Transistor Memory Cell," Proceedings Stanford Conference on Advanced
Research in VLSI (Losleben, ed), 111-132, March 1987.
Malachi, Yonatan and Owicki, Susan S., "Temporal Specifications of Self-Timed
Systems," Proceedings C-MU Conference on VLSI Systems and Computations (Kung,
Sproull, and Steele, eds), Computer Science Press, 203-212, 1981.
Maley, F. Miller, "Compaction with Automatic Jog Introduction," Chappel Hill
Conference on VLSI (Fuchs, ed), 261-283, March 1985.
Mathews, Robert; Newkirk, John; and Eichenberger, Peter, "A Target
Language for Silicon Compilers," Proceedings 24th IEEE Computer Society
International Conference, 349-353, February 1982.
Mayo, Robert N., "Combining Graphics and Procedures in a VLSI Layout
Tool: The Tpack System," University of California at Berkeley Computer
Science Division technical report, January 1984.
[4, 8]
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Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962.
McCormick, Steven P., "EXCL: A Circuit Extractor for IC Designs," Proceedings
21st Design Automation Conference, 616-623, June 1984.
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Intervals and Rectangles," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, CSL-80-9, 1980.
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