Computer Aids for VLSI Design
Steven M. Rubin
Copyright © 1994
Chapter 10: Human Engineering
10.6 Summary
Human engineering comprises both the innermost and the outermost levels of
a good computer system.
At the deepest level is the task and user model that permeates the system design
to correspond with the user's abilities and expectations.
At the top level is a sheen of friendliness and cleverness that comforts
the user by interacting intelligently.
Between these are the many other system functions that
constitute a VLSI CAD system.
What is wrong with a system containing the commands "transform" and
Why should the display be organized to position commonly used areas close
What are the relative merits of marching menus and pop-up menus?
What problems will be encountered when single keystrokes are used
as abbreviations for full commands?
Which will better reduce menu selection time: increasing the size of
the menu or decreasing the distance of the menu entry from the cursor?
What database organization guarantees that keystroke playback of a
previous session will work correctly?
Why do advanced users prefer less feedback?
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