Recommended Directory Structure

It's useful to have a standardized directory structure for every module in an ASIC project. It makes it easier for designers to understand each others code and scripts can be shared more easily.

Below is a recommended directory structure which works well for the author. Many other structures are of course just as useful. (Instead of module the name of the module should be used.)

Directory Contents
bin Scripts for running tests
doc Module documentation
sim Simulation directory,
contains the VHDL work library, simulator setup files,
current transaction log etc
synth Synthesis directory,
contains the work directory for intermediate files of the synthesis tool,
synthesis scripts, constraint files
tbench VHDL testbench code
test Test case directory,
contains a directory for each test that is run with the following subdirectories
cmd: command files, any files which are required to run the test
exp: expected (golden) log files to compare the results with
res: result files of the last simulation run
vhdl VHDL design code (synthesizable VHDL)

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