
The objectives of this session are:

Explore on-line manual

In the Netscape window where you are reading this, you can create a second window so that you can read these instructions and explore the web pages at the same time.

A new window should appear. This can also be done using the "File" entry in the menu bar and selecting a New Web Browser.

In the new window, find you way back to the Gateway page - and take a brief look at the sort of documents and links there to get an idea of what resources are available.

Next, enter the Verilog resource area and do the same - and finally enter the Verilog manual.

During this session and the following one, you should aim to read through the manual and the examples contained within it. But for now, let's learn the editor.

Xemacs editor for Verilog

The idea is to run through the on-line tutorial in the Xemacs editor. This can be called by clicking on the Gateway icon in the top right of your screen.

To start the tutorial: there is a menu item, under the Help menu bar,J called: Xemacs tutorial. Alternatively, point to the Xemacs window, hold down the "control" key and type "h", release the control key and type "t".

Now - spend as long as necessary learning to use the editor. NOTE: previous students have suggested that ten minutes is enough to learn the few basic commands and that the rest of the tutorial is full of commands which are never used and/or are quickly forgotten. So read and play for about twenty minutes and then come back to the tutorial later if you feel that your editing skills are inadequate.

Running Verilog Programs

There are four buttons in the Xemacs editor associated with the Verilog environment:

  1. Verilog - runs the code in the current window
  2. Kill - terminates a program which runs wild
  3. Errors - helps you find the errors by putting the pointer to the relevant line
  4. Reformat - tries to align any highlighted text so that it looks pretty (and is more readable).

The first thing we want to do is to pickup some text form the Netscape window and put it into the Xemacs window

Let us open a buffer/file in the Xemacs window. Bring up the File menu bar and select the Open command. In the bottom of the Xemacs window, there is a line starting with Find file; as you type (pointing at the Xemacs window), the text appears in that line. Type "hello.v" and then press the Return key. This is now our current file.
Below these instructions, there is a small program. Point to the start of it with your cursor and WHILE HOLDING THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON DOWN), drag the cursor to the end of the program; release the mouse button but leave the cursor pointing at the Netscape window. Holding the Alt button down, type the letter c. We have now copied the program into a local buffer. We can write this to the Xemacs window by moving the cursor to point at that window and pressing the Paste key which is located in that set of 10 keys at the left of your keyboard.
Using the mouse as in "First" above, highlight the program in the Xemacs window - and then click the Reformat menu button. The code should jump to the correct format.
Click on the Verilog menu button - and run the program. A second window will appear to display the output


        module sayHello;

             initial $display("Hello");


Notice that the Netscape and Xemacs windows use different key strokes to achieve these operations of copy and paste. However, in both windows the operations can be found in the Edit menu bar. AND in Xemacs there are menu buttons also.

IMPORTANT: files of verilog code MUST end with a ".v" so that the editor knows to do the highlighting properly.

Let us try something else - delete a ";" at the end of the first line - and click on the Verilog button. When the program has run (and the result says that there is an error) click on the Error menu button and watch the two windows jump to indicate where the error occurs. NOTE, missing out the ";" is the most common beginner's error - and NOTE that the error check only notices the problem at the beginning of the next line of text.

Now try to type this program in yourself - in the same Xemacs window watching carefully as the colours change and the returns and indentations are done for you. Make sure you do a final return after the endmodule

Delete the original program (highlight it with the mouse and press the Cut key) - and now run your version to see if there are any errors.

A Simple Practice

You now have the basic skills. In the Netscape window in which you were exploring the on-line documentation, find the "VERILOG INTRODUCTION" or "Verilog resource" page and look at a small design example: an inverting multiplexor. Copy and Paste this example into the Xemacs window and use File -> Save as to store it in a new file. Run it to see if it works.

Read through the code to see if you can understand the basic structure of the language - the brave might like to enhance it as:

It is important that you TRY this BEFORE looking at the the answers which can be found here .

First Design tasks

The objectives of this section are:

  1. to create both behavioural and gate-level modules
  2. to run simulations to test their function

You need to read the three documents:

  1. A quick introduction to synchronous design
  2. A more detailed introduction to synchronous design
  3. Verilog design style for synchronous design

in the GATEWAY to design excellence home page before attempting the following activities.

Activity 1
Basic Dtypes

For each of the following, create the required module and perform simulations which test its function.

  1. a behavioural module of a positive edge-triggered one-bit dtype (see the bog-standard Dtype in the third document mentioned above).
  2. a 4-bit version (this involves making the d and out signals/variables into four-bit buses).
  3. a behavioural module of a positive edge-triggered one-bit dtype with a synchronous reset (active low) (see the third document mentioned above)
  4. a gate-level module which combines a two-input boolean gate with an instance of the first module you designed in this activity [hint: be careful of the "polarity" of the output] Thus you will be wanting to define a new module which instances (calls) a previously module and a gate:
            module origMod ( <parameter list> );
            module newOne (out, clk, reset, d);
               someGate (<list of inputs and outputs>)
               origMod modName (<list of inputs and outputs>)
               <something to invert the signal to get the right polarity>

    In fact this can be done using a nand gate and a Dtype with the output inverted - or - using an and gate and a Dtype without a final inversion.
  5. a behavioural module for an Enable flipflop with reset (i.e. a dtype which is only updated if the control signal enable is high, but resets to zero when reset is high whatever the value of enable) [the answer (well almost but not quite) is in the third document recommended above]
  6. an inverting multiplexor - in any style you choose - see the small design example in the VERILOG home page
  7. a gate-level module of the Enable flipflop (calling a NOR, inv_mux and dtype - if in doubt - read the on-line manual: Modules->Modules )
  8. a behavioural module of a Toggle flipflop (including a reset input) whose description is given in the counter section of the second document recommended above.

Activity 2
Shift Registers

Now we need to put the above modules together to form more interesting functions - remember that you must write tests to check that you are right.

  1. create gate-level shift-register which takes an input stream of one-bit and delays it for three clock cycles (using calls to one of the modules already defined - do not forget the clock input).
  2. create a behavioural version of the same perhaps using code which incudes statements like this:
            reg [2:0] regMem;
            reg       out
            {out, regMem} = {regMem, in};

    Note that the assignment to a register will need to be within an always block (with what guard ?) and you will need to check the manual on the concatenation operator
  3. create a gate level description of a shift register which takes 4-bit words and delays them for 3 clock cycles. Use instances of the 4-bit dtype from the first activity.
  4. To create a behavioural module for this is a little harder than for a one-bit shift register. The following code will do it:
            module shift(out, clk, in);
               output [3:0]     out;
               input  clk;
               input [3:0] in;
               reg [3:0]   shiftMem [0:3];
               assign out = shiftMem[3];
               always @(posedge clk) begin
                  shiftMem[3] = shiftMem[2];
                  shiftMem[2] = shiftMem[1];
                  shiftMem[1] = shiftMem[0];
                  shiftMem[0] = in;
            endmodule // shift
            module testShift;
               reg [3:0]  a;
               reg          clk;
               wire [3:0] out;
               integer    i;
               shift mod1 (out, clk, a);
               initial begin
                  clk = 0;
                  forever #5 clk = ~clk;
               end // initial begin
               initial #2 forever #10 $display("%d %d", a, out);
               initial begin
                  i = 0;
                  repeat (9) begin
                  #10 a = i;
                  i = i + 1;
                  end // repeat (9)
                  #10 $finish;
               end // initial begin
            endmodule // testShift

    Copy this code and change the shift module so that three of the assignments are performed within a for loop. Note that the order in which the assignments are made is significant [get it wrong and you over-write a register before it is read]. Now change the end condition of the for loop and the size of the shiftMem array to make a delay of 12 clock cycles. TEST IT.

Activity 3

The second document recommended above has a section on digital counter design, and the second large worked-example in the on-line manual is also about counters. It might be worth reading these before writing the following code.

  1. Create a gate-level 4-bit counter module using several toggle flipflop (with a reset) and AND gates [Remember to start with a reset in the test procedure]
  2. Create a behavioural module which does the same but which uses a simple 4-bit register which is incremented (do not forget the reset)
  3. For both of the above, create new modules which start at 4'b0010 rather than zero (you may need to design a second toggle flipflop)
  4. Remembering to include a global reset, update the behavioural module to be a counter which starts at 3 and finishes at 12 (i.e. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 ... ).