The primary advantage of LPM is that it allows technology-independent design without sacrificing efficiency. The key to the efficiency of LPM is that it allows the technology mapping to work from a higher level of abstraction. This higher level of abstraction allows the technology vendors to optimize the function's fit by making use of special features within the IC's architecture. A good example of this advantage can be found by looking at the LPM_COUNT module. The typical code fragment used to specify a loadable, enabable counter within VHDL is shown in Figure 1. This code will be synthesized to gates by most logic synthesis tools. Once the counter is synthesized to gates, it is very difficult to recognize as a counter. The result is that the carry-chains found in many high-density PLDs will not be used to implement the counter. In many cases this can double or triple the number of logic elements required to implement a simple counter. PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF clk'event and clk = '1' THEN IF load = '1' THEN count <= data; ELSIF enable = '1' THEN count <= count + 1; END IF; END IF; q <= count; END PROCESS example; Figure 1. Sample VHDL code fragment that implements 16- bit loadable, enabled
counter. The LPM_COUNT module, on the other hand, allows the technology mapping tool to
recognize that the function can use the carry chain resulting in improved performance and
efficiency. Fig. 2 shows how the LPM_COUNT function can be instantiated within the same
VHDL source. The LPM version of the counter offers nearly a 3-to-1 advantage in silicon
efficiency and 4-to-1 advantage in performance. BEGIN u1: lpm_counter port map(data => data_in, q => results, load => load, enable => enable, clk => clk); END example; Figure 2. Instantiating an LPM counter |
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