checking code Doulos VHDL Code Review and Verilog Code Review Services for FPGA Design and ASIC Design

Code reviewing has long been recognised as an important part of good software design practice. Many practitioners recognise the importance of reviews in HDL based design particularly to ensure that the HDL is coded to gain productive use of synthesis and efficient use of simulation. As part of our project support services, Doulos includes an expert code reviewing service which can help to ensure engineering productivity gains even on first projects.

Doulos use an in-house code reviewing template that allows us to rigourously analyse the reviewed HDL code. Our code review strategy includes over fifty steps covering the following aspects of VHDL and Verilog code reviewing:

coding notebookHDL Coding Services
accumulator diagramFPGA / ASIC Design and Project Services

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Copyright 1995-1996 Doulos
This page was last updated 14th February 1996.

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