EE 4743 Test Topics #1 (THIS IS NOT INCLUSIVE!)
You are responsible for anything discussed in class, or in the Lab. Because it is impossible to list all of the topics we have discussed, I am listing the most important ones. These are the ones that I will concentrate on, but if I have left something out of this list, I reserve the right to ask you about it!
- Be able to read a combinational VHDL model and plot a truth table.
- Be able to write a VHDL model for a simple combinational model.
- Know the structure of a ripple carry adder.
- Know how to design a saturating adder, both signed and unsigned.
- Know what fixed point format means for unsigned numbers. Know how to translate back and forth.
- Be able to discuss different implementation technologies - full custom, standard cell, gate array, FPGA, CPLD, PLD. Know what each is, and some of the Pros/Cons of each.
- Be familiar with the Altera Flex 10k, Xilinx Virtex, and Actel MX families. Know what a Look Up Table is for definining combinational logic. Know the difference between monolithic SRAM blocks and SRAM built from look up tables. Know what cascade chain, carry chains are.
- Understand the operation of Labs 1, 2, 3.
- Know what combinational logic delays, what longest path means, what shortest path means.