Where to go for more information

This tutorial should by no means be your only source for learning about FPGA synthesis.

Both Synopsys and Viewlogic have excellent online documentation available using a browser called Interleaf Worldview. Reading these documents is strongly recommended, especially if you are already somewhat familiar with the tools. To view the Powerview documentation, simply click on the Red Square and choose Help->ViewDoc. To view the Synopsys manuals you must run /opt/digital/synopsys3.2b/worldview/bin/iview.

Here are some "Must Read" documents in the Synopsys collection:

Of course, some manuals are available in printed form as well. Ask your advisor or the EE systems support staff where you can find the latest printed documentation for Synopsys and Xilinx tools in particular. Be sure to look in the back of the Xilinx Programmable Logic Data Book for a whole collection of articles and hints for FPGA design, as well as several complete project descriptions.

You can learn a lot by browsing through the extensive directory hierarchies containing the Synopsys, Xilinx, and Powerview tools. These directories may change around, but you can usually find where to start by examining the CAD tool setup scripts in /opt/digital.

Here are some particularly informative directories:

While the Xilinx tools don't have any on-line documentation, many of them fairly descriptive command-line help. For example, type the command ppr with no arguments to get a description of its command line options.

Created by Scott E. Harrington, Duke Electrical Engineering